Complete Arch Implants

If you are missing all of your teeth in an arch (all top teeth or all bottom teeth) there are 3 major implant options which can give you an esthetic restoration and allow you to function again. Typically, patients want to know how much time and resources are needed for each option. More information and guidance is provided at your consultation visit.


This option allows you to regain confidence knowing that your denture will not be loose or fall out of your mouth. Implants can stabilize this removable denture by attaching to it’s underside. Most patients are thrilled after receiving implants to hold their dentures because of the security and confidence in function.

Case 3: Implant Overdenture – Maxilla

“I can eat anything I want again! The denture is sturdy and I don’t need that denture glue anymore! Thank you so much”

R.L. Ocean City, NJ

Click Here for Before and After photos from this case.

Case 4: Implant Overdenture – Mandible

“It was a very long 6 months, but the end result was significantly worth every minute I had to wait. I was 35 when I had all of my teeth removed and have worn a denture for 30+ years. For the first day or two, I was apprehensive about biting into something, afraid it wasn’t going to work. Now they’re fantastic, it’s the only way to go.”

N.G. Sewell, NJ

Click Here for Before and After photos from this case.


This option allows the esthetics of acrylic to be combined with the fixed nature of a bridge. The hybrid is a blend of the denture esthetics and the fixation of the bridge to give comfort and function to the patient. These options are typically reserved for the lower jaw, but can also be done for the the upper jaw.

Case 1: Hybrid – Maxilla

“The teeth look great and my jaw feels so much more relaxed. I definitely have less headaches! Thanks for working with my general dentist so closely. Everyone loves the way my teeth look!!!”

B.L. – Pitman, NJ

Click Here for Before and After photos from this case.

Case 2: Hybrid – Maxilla & Mandible

Background: MC wanted a full set of teeth which did not come out of his mouth. He wanted to replace his missing maxillary and mandibular teeth with dental implants and a hybrid restoration.

Click Here for Before and After photos from this case.