Dental Implants

General Information

Single Tooth Implant

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. In the past, there were only two options available: 1) to file down one’s adjacent teeth for a tooth-supported bridge, or 2) to use a removable denture. The advent of dental implants offers a third option, providing long-term tooth replacement, which can allow you to function normally.

Multiple Tooth Implant

Implants are titanium posts that are secured into the jawbone where teeth are missing. After the bone bonds to the titanium, a strong foundation is in place to support missing teeth. Additionally, implants may preserve facial structure, preventing the normal bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing. Lastly, the cost of the dental implant is heavily outweighed by the value in a “life-time” investment.

Complete Arch Implant

Dr. Kubikian has received extensive formal training and advanced post-graduate education in dental implant placement through the American Dental Association (ADA) accredited specialty of periodontics. His lectures at the University of Pennsylvania, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Greater New York Dental Meeting and throughout South Jersey focus on placement and esthetic implant restoration.

While cases may vary, typically a dental implant can be ready for a tooth in as little as 8 weeks. It is important to create an effective treatment plan for such implants so that both time and money investments are appropriately utilized.


In addition to reviewing your health history, Dr. Kubikian will perform a thorough dental implant evaluation and answer any questions. (Click Here to download a patient registration and medical history form.) Your specific needs and considerations will be addressed so you may proceed comfortably. If possible, it is best to consult with Dr. Kubikian prior to having a tooth extracted. This will allow for a more accurate evaluation of your implant options. In some cases, implants can be placed the same day that damaged tooth is removed.

At the evaluation, fees and insurance benefits will also be discussed to ensure you are able to make informed treatment decisions.


The dental implant procedure is straightforward when performed properly. In fact, there is no pain expected during the actual implant placement and generally, the only pain medication given post-operatively is Advil/Ibuprofen. Once home, most patients rate their discomfort as a 1 or 2 on a scale of 10. A simple implant placement rarely causes more discomfort.

Once the implant has been deemed integrated into the bone (approx. 8-12 weeks), an extension is put on the implant making it visible and viable to your referring general dentist. As each case varies in pre-operative and post-operative experiences, a patient’s case will be evaluated on an individual basis with appropriate recommendations.